S2, Ep. 3
Amy Summerfield, CEO of Kyria, and Head of Development at Skylark International joins us for our 3rd instalment of the Women In Leadership Series. Highlights include insight into some of the challenges she’s faced as a leader, the empowerment of women and campaigning for equality, and the hallmark traits God has called her to live by in her leadership life.
Amy Summerfield is CEO of Kyria, a leadership network to champion empower and release women into their spheres of influence (kyrianetwork.com), and Head of Development at Skylark International, a network of churches, charities and organisations. From 2015-2020 Amy was senior pastor of Connect Church, Paisley, Scotland. Amy is the co-founder of Pulse Children’s and Youth Ministries. She is a regular conference speaker for women’s and leadership conferences. Recently married, Amy moved to live in Hitchin with her husband Matt who leads Zeo Church. She enjoys cooking, baking, dog walking and tea drinking! When not travelling for ministry, she loves spending time in Derbyshire where she grew up.